Decisions can help or hinder a holy lifestyle


Anatomy of a Decision that contributes to a holy lifestyle

1. The thought enters your mind.
2. You remember that Christ has called you to a Holy life style.
3. You recognize that this will not contribute to a Holy life style.
4. You recall scripture passages that give you strength in this situation
5. You pray for Christ to lead you to make a choice that will contribute to a holy life style.
6. With the help of the Holy Spirit you dismiss the thought from your mind.


Anatomy of a Decision that hinders a holy lifestyle

1. The thought enters your mind
2. Instead of dismissing the thought, you allow it to occur again and again.
3. The thought becomes imaged. You begin to visualize yourself speaking the words or doing the act.
4. You begin to think of a place to speak the words or do the act.
5. You actually do what you have been thinking about.